Such an amazing day when ministering in Manchester a few weeks ago. God was moving in folks lives and despite the drizzle, I got even wetter when one lady who received salvation, asked why she couldn’t be baptised. Just like the account of Philip baptising the Eunuch in Act 8 and with the words ringing in my ears… “See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?”, the lady was baptised in the fountains in Piccadilly Gardens. I’ve been thanking Jesus for her testimony when she declared, “I’ve been born again – I don’t need these any more” and she took of her rosary beads!

Once again people came from up and down the country to be part of the team and we had the privilege to be joined by the young people of Kingdom Power International Ministries who sang and worshipped… beautiful! Over all, we saw about 40 people give their lives to Jesus, Praise God, He is so good.