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Our latest newsletter is now out!
Read our January 2022 update here: https://bit.ly/3tsVnDT
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We have had an amazing time over the last two weeks at New life Community Church in Milnrow. There were over 60 people here both nights for equipping in evangelism from at least 8 Churches from the Greater Manchester Area. The Lord is stirring something here, Hallelujah!
The sessions covered were What is the Gospel, Evangelism is a Way of Life, Fear of Man, Identity in Christ and The authority of the Believer as well as some practical teaching and demonstration of telling your testimony. A pastor in attendance was blessed and encouraged by the teaching, telling me how important it is in the lives of believers that these foundations for evangelism are laid. We finished the evening with activation prayer and commissioning. I am so excited and expectant with what the Lord is doing as these folks go back to their own churches and communities on fire and with a passion for the lost.
We can deliver this training to your group and equip your Church for confident outreach. Get in touch via DM of through our website www.goandtell.co.uk
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