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Our latest newsletter is now out!
Read our January 2022 update here: https://bit.ly/3tsVnDT
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It was a super blessed day in Manchester last Saturday as over 20 people responded to the Gospel, a lady record deliverance in the tent and her husband received deliverance over the phone! In the picture above is a wonderful brother Leonard. He is in his own words is “110 percent saved, loves Jesus, and came looking for healing” on his motor scooter! He could only walk a few steps before when prayed and Jesus worked a mighty miracle in his body as he was able to walk around Piccadilly gardens unaided, thank you Lord, look at his face beaming, that’s Jesus!
Come and join us in Street Outreach as we preach and share the love of Jesus on the streets of Manchester. It’s always a powerful time as we witness the amazing saving grace of our Lord Jesus in action.
What a great time of evangelism training, activation and healing service with Sanctuary of Praise International Ministries this weekend in Cardiff. 7 people responded to the gospel, Glory to God. One elderly gent Terry was walking heavily on his stick after a hip replacement, but walked perfectly normal after prayer, Jesus is the healer.
It has been a wonderful time being part of the Mission 24 team last week in Twickenham. There were over 90 responses for salvation in the meetings and on the streets. It has been great to see Muslims responding to Jesus as well as Hindu lady receiving healing in her ankles then receive Jesus, Jesus is still the healer – we were privileged to see a blind eye that was opened and a young girl had arches form in her feet. Praise Jesus, His wonders never cease and His love is never ending.
We’re so looking forward to serving the churches of Sheffield with some Evangelism training, Activation and then onto the streets of the city in the afternoon to share the Gospel and put the training into action!
If anyone is interested in joining us, contact us through the website www.goandtell.co.uk or Facebook for more details or book direct using the link below;
Evangelism Training with Go and Tell Ministries Tickets, Sat 2 Oct 2021 at 09:30 | Eventbrite
35 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
Matthew 9: 35-38
Such an amazing day when ministering in Manchester a few weeks ago. God was moving in folks lives and despite the drizzle, I got even wetter when one lady who received salvation, asked why she couldn’t be baptised. Just like the account of Philip baptising the Eunuch in Act 8 and with the words ringing in my ears… “See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?”, the lady was baptised in the fountains in Piccadilly Gardens. I’ve been thanking Jesus for her testimony when she declared, “I’ve been born again – I don’t need these any more” and she took of her rosary beads!
Once again people came from up and down the country to be part of the team and we had the privilege to be joined by the young people of Kingdom Power International Ministries who sang and worshipped…..so beautiful! Over all, we saw about 40 people give their lives to Jesus, Praise God, He is so good.
Had a fantastic time this last week in Derby with Mission 24 and New Life Church. Over the 5 days of street evangelism and evening outreach services we saw 201 salvations as well as many healings and people encountering Jesus’ love. On one of the evenings there was a Youth Service where I shared my testimony and was speaking about the Father’s love. It always amazes me how God uses our past experiences to reach out to others and I had the privilege of ministering to a young man who a had similar story to mine. As I prayed, God began to reveal this man’s heart and pains in such a way that he couldn’t deny that God was real and after accepting Jesus as his Saviour he went off to tell his family what had happened. WE ALL HAVE A TESTIMONY OF WHAT GOD HAS DONE IN OUR LIVES THAT CAN SPEAK TO OTHERS!
The man in the middle is Duane, I met him in Manchester today, he had a twisted knee and couldn’t walk without the aid of a stick, Jesus is the true healer and with Him nothing is impossible, Jesus healed Duane today he even gave me his stick as he didn’t need it anymore, he received Jesus as his saviour today, If Jesus can do this for Duane, He can do it for you!!
Amazing time in Manchester today! Many people responding to the Gospel and people healed of shoulder problems. One of the people prayed for was waiting for surgery and, after prayer, moved freely and pain-free! Praise Jesus! I also prayed for someone who had suffered polio as a child and could not walk unaided or bend her knees. She took her first steps today!!! Jesus is delivering people on the streets, amazing things are happening, God is moving in Manchester!