What a blessed time it has been in Mexico. As I reflect back on the things I have seen Jesus doing in the last couple of weeks I am so humbled that the Lord will use people to advance his kingdom. Mario and I have seen over 300 people respond to the gospel. We saw a man with a broken collarbone totally healed, a girl born with flat feet have arches form there and then. We have had the honour of sharing the gospel with the indigenous people in the jungle, people in remote villages, even to be the first Englishman a Mayan village has ever seen.

Everywhere we went we preached Jesus. I was moved when I met and shared the gospel with the ‘Valients’ (the brave ones), a school for street kids who’s parents are working washing windscreens at traffic lights for a few pesos a day, 6/7 year old kids looking after babies. I was asked to pray by a four year old child, that her dad would stop drinking and would buy food and milk instead of alcohol. It was a precious time as I got chance to pray with these brave ones, the love of the Father was pouring out in abundance as they were missing out from their earthly fathers, as I say precious. Jesus is doing wonderful things in Chiapas , Mexico, it’s a privilege to be part of it. #Gloria A Dios #MexicoparaChristo