Thank you Jesus for the blessed time in beautiful Kenya and Uganda earlier this month. We have seen Jesus moving mightily with over 300 recorded responses to the gospel. We have lots of people delivered of torment, believers equipped to share the gospel, and laid some firm foundations for building and growth in the future as well as miraculous healings.

A particular miracle that amazed me was in Kitale, Kenya. We prayed for a lady who was in terrible pain with her broken her arm which was in a splint. After receiving prayer in Jesus’ mighty name she removed her dressing, revealing wasted muscle and deterioration of her skin, however her pain was gone and she regained full movement to her arm. When she came to the conference the next morning she showed us what the Lord had done overnight – her muscles were now restored and her skin healed – Wow, the completion of her healing! Isn’t Jesus wonderful?!

A highlight of the trip was our visit to the widows and orphans at Nambale prayer and mission centre. It was such a privilege to share the gospel with them and many if the children responding to Jesus.

I would like to thank Joe Shepherdson for inviting me to join him sharing Jesus in Africa and would like to thank the people here who made all this possible with organising and hosting all the outreaches and conferences. Praise God for all He is doing in Africa.
#africashallbesaved #bloodwashedafrica