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We have had an amazing time over the last two weeks at New life Community Church in Milnrow. There were over 60 people here both nights for equipping in evangelism from at least 8 Churches from the Greater Manchester Area. The Lord is stirring something here, Hallelujah!
The sessions covered were What is the Gospel, Evangelism is a Way of Life, Fear of Man, Identity in Christ and The authority of the Believer as well as some practical teaching and demonstration of telling your testimony. A pastor in attendance was blessed and encouraged by the teaching, telling me how important it is in the lives of believers that these foundations for evangelism are laid. We finished the evening with activation prayer and commissioning. I am so excited and expectant with what the Lord is doing as these folks go back to their own churches and communities on fire and with a passion for the lost.
We can deliver this training to your group and equip your Church for confident outreach. Get in touch via DM of through our website www.goandtell.co.uk
#fireinthenorth #goandtell #sendthemout #jesusisLord
It was a super blessed day in Manchester last Saturday as over 20 people responded to the Gospel, a lady record deliverance in the tent and her husband received deliverance over the phone! In the picture above is a wonderful brother Leonard. He is in his own words is “110 percent saved, loves Jesus, and came looking for healing” on his motor scooter! He could only walk a few steps before when prayed and Jesus worked a mighty miracle in his body as he was able to walk around Piccadilly gardens unaided, thank you Lord, look at his face beaming, that’s Jesus!
Come and join us in Street Outreach as we preach and share the love of Jesus on the streets of Manchester. It’s always a powerful time as we witness the amazing saving grace of our Lord Jesus in action.
We had a great time in Sheffield on Saturday with over 10 people joining us from different churches from around the City.
The day started with some Evangelism Training in the morning, including teaching on The Gospel, Our Identity & Authority in Christ and Fear of Man as well as practical training in a Street Work Workshop and Q&A’s, followed by an Activation and Prayer time.
In the afternoon we headed out onto the rainy streets of Sheffield, preaching the Gospel and praying for people. Praise God that 5 people responded to Jesus, Awesome!
We are so encouraged to see folks from the morning released and excited to be sharing their faith and are planning to work together in the future.
“Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity…..For there the Lord bestows his blessing, even life evermore”
Psalm 133:1-3
We’re so looking forward to serving the churches of Sheffield with some Evangelism training, Activation and then onto the streets of the city in the afternoon to share the Gospel and put the training into action!
If anyone is interested in joining us, contact us through the website www.goandtell.co.uk or Facebook for more details or book direct using the link below;
Evangelism Training with Go and Tell Ministries Tickets, Sat 2 Oct 2021 at 09:30 | Eventbrite
35 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
Matthew 9: 35-38
We are super excited to be holding our very first Prayer Partners Night this coming Thursday.
It’s going to be great time of encouragement as we give thanks to God for what He has already done and seek His guidance for the amazing things that He is going to do – God is always Faithful and we have an abundant God who can do so much more then we can ever imagine!
Lucy and I are so blessed by these special people who have a heart for the lost and have asked to be part of our Go and Tell journey by faithfully praying for us as we serve the Lord. Everything we do has to be underpinned by prayer and as we seek and serve our mighty God we are seeing doors opening and mountains moving, Hallelujah!
Thank you Lord for your faithful saints, Amen!
Such an amazing day when ministering in Manchester a few weeks ago. God was moving in folks lives and despite the drizzle, I got even wetter when one lady who received salvation, asked why she couldn’t be baptised. Just like the account of Philip baptising the Eunuch in Act 8 and with the words ringing in my ears… “See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?”, the lady was baptised in the fountains in Piccadilly Gardens. I’ve been thanking Jesus for her testimony when she declared, “I’ve been born again – I don’t need these any more” and she took of her rosary beads!
Once again people came from up and down the country to be part of the team and we had the privilege to be joined by the young people of Kingdom Power International Ministries who sang and worshipped…..so beautiful! Over all, we saw about 40 people give their lives to Jesus, Praise God, He is so good.
Excited to be getting ready for the Manchester Street Outreach this coming Saturday. Check out the link below for info and tips on Street Preaching. Drop us a message if you want to come and join us on Saturday or for more details. Also, look out for the Zoom Prayer Link later this week. Believing for a great harvest of souls to be saved – Come On!!! #fireinthenorth