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Thank you Jesus for the blessed time in beautiful Kenya and Uganda earlier this month. We have seen Jesus moving mightily with over 300 recorded responses to the gospel. We have lots of people delivered of torment, believers equipped to share the gospel, and laid some firm foundations for building and growth in the future as well as miraculous healings.
A particular miracle that amazed me was in Kitale, Kenya. We prayed for a lady who was in terrible pain with her broken her arm which was in a splint. After receiving prayer in Jesus’ mighty name she removed her dressing, revealing wasted muscle and deterioration of her skin, however her pain was gone and she regained full movement to her arm. When she came to the conference the next morning she showed us what the Lord had done overnight – her muscles were now restored and her skin healed – Wow, the completion of her healing! Isn’t Jesus wonderful?!
A highlight of the trip was our visit to the widows and orphans at Nambale prayer and mission centre. It was such a privilege to share the gospel with them and many if the children responding to Jesus.
I would like to thank Joe Shepherdson for inviting me to join him sharing Jesus in Africa and would like to thank the people here who made all this possible with organising and hosting all the outreaches and conferences. Praise God for all He is doing in Africa.
#africashallbesaved #bloodwashedafrica
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Really looking forward to joining the Mission 24 Team in Training and Mission at Jesus Fields Winter Gathering this coming week in Wales. It’s going to be a great week of equipping and evangelism and we’re so excited and expectant about what God is going to be doing – transforming and changing people’s lives as only He can – Hallelujah!!!
It was a super blessed day in Manchester last Saturday as over 20 people responded to the Gospel, a lady record deliverance in the tent and her husband received deliverance over the phone! In the picture above is a wonderful brother Leonard. He is in his own words is “110 percent saved, loves Jesus, and came looking for healing” on his motor scooter! He could only walk a few steps before when prayed and Jesus worked a mighty miracle in his body as he was able to walk around Piccadilly gardens unaided, thank you Lord, look at his face beaming, that’s Jesus!
Come and join us in Street Outreach as we preach and share the love of Jesus on the streets of Manchester. It’s always a powerful time as we witness the amazing saving grace of our Lord Jesus in action.
What a great time of evangelism training, activation and healing service with Sanctuary of Praise International Ministries this weekend in Cardiff. 7 people responded to the gospel, Glory to God. One elderly gent Terry was walking heavily on his stick after a hip replacement, but walked perfectly normal after prayer, Jesus is the healer.
I’m so excited for this coming weekend in Cardiff!
It’s a weekend of Anniversary Celebrations with the Sanctuary of Praise International Ministries. It starts on evening Friday with a Revival Meeting. Then on the Saturday I have the honour of doing some Evangelism Training in the Morning followed by Community Outreach on the doors in the afternoon as we put the training into practice. We finish off the day with another Revival Meeting in the evening as I share about Soaring High and Victorious Living in Christ. What a fantastic time it is going to be….Come on…Revival Fire!!!
As the Sanctuary of Praise Ministries carry on their celebrations into the Sunday, I head over to New Hope Community Church, Cardiff, where I will be preaching all day at their three Sunday services. I love the guys at this church, they are always hungry for God and expectant for Him to move….Come Lord Jesus Come..be glorified!!!
If you’re in the area, come and join us and see what God is doing.
It has been a wonderful time being part of the Mission 24 team last week in Twickenham. There were over 90 responses for salvation in the meetings and on the streets. It has been great to see Muslims responding to Jesus as well as Hindu lady receiving healing in her ankles then receive Jesus, Jesus is still the healer – we were privileged to see a blind eye that was opened and a young girl had arches form in her feet. Praise Jesus, His wonders never cease and His love is never ending.
We had a great time in Sheffield on Saturday with over 10 people joining us from different churches from around the City.
The day started with some Evangelism Training in the morning, including teaching on The Gospel, Our Identity & Authority in Christ and Fear of Man as well as practical training in a Street Work Workshop and Q&A’s, followed by an Activation and Prayer time.
In the afternoon we headed out onto the rainy streets of Sheffield, preaching the Gospel and praying for people. Praise God that 5 people responded to Jesus, Awesome!
We are so encouraged to see folks from the morning released and excited to be sharing their faith and are planning to work together in the future.
“Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity…..For there the Lord bestows his blessing, even life evermore”
Psalm 133:1-3